Fallout 4 see through combat scopes
Fallout 4 see through combat scopes

Movement also feels more in line with Call of Duty. You definitely will feel noticeable improvements on how guns and things handle regarding sight clarity, draw animations, sway, recoil, and smoothness adjusting aim. Gun play feels almost exactly like Call of Duty instead of very stiff and clunky like New Vegas.

fallout 4 see through combat scopes

Gameplay wise what Fallout 4 brings to the table over previous games is a vastly improved combat system, much better balance regarding things like stimpacks and perks, and overall more challenge on higher difficulties. Personally, I don't think it should matter all that much because it's really about gameplay, not graphics. I honestly thought the graphics looked amazing, but I'm just putting it out there that not everybody shares my opinion and some people think games like Witcher 3 actually have better graphics. Looking at the pc specs this game is technically graphically superior to any other game out right now even if some people are saying the graphics are not very good. I actually enjoyed the more colorful environments. Some people dislike the aesthetics of the game because they went with a much more punchy and bright color pallet rather than just make everything poop brown and puke green like Fallout 3. I disagree with them, but I will admit the facial expression are a bit stiff and lip syncing is a tiny bit off. In comparison to previous Fallouts people keep saying it isn't a big step up. In the strategy guide there's roughly 150 quests and I estimate the map is about as big as skyrim's, but there seems to be a higher density of areas to explore with fewer mountains and whatnot in the way to make the map feel bigger than it actually is. In the strategy guide Bought the game a five hours ago and I'm going to give a 100% honest review about it.

fallout 4 see through combat scopes fallout 4 see through combat scopes fallout 4 see through combat scopes

Bought the game a five hours ago and I'm going to give a 100% honest review about it.

Fallout 4 see through combat scopes